I have loved whales for as long as I can remember. I dreamt of going to America and visiting seasworld although for these animals it is pretty much their nightmare. Let me start by saying I'm not here to force my opinions onto anyone else I simply believe that a whale's place in this world is to swim the oceans and not a concrete tank. When I found out the movie Blackfish was being made I felt I couldn't wait any longer to see it. Although it's a hard film to watch it's one of those things that just need to be seen. I hope the word spreads wider encouraging the release of Oracs although I feel more also needs to be done for Beluga Whales as there free from captivity campaign seems to be at a much earlier stage. I have never seen a whale in the wild or captivity but I have seen dolphins. In the waters around Portugal there was not a better definition of happiness than a dolphin swimming in open waters and although it pains me to admit it I have seen dolphins in captivity. We are led to believe that these animals are living the best possible lives; free from predators, constant food supply and adoration from the crowds. These dolphins where not a flowing energy of happiness and I think as a society we are simply uneducated in the matter.
"The sea is to dolphins much as the air is to birds—it is a three-dimensional environment, where they can move up and down and side to side. But dolphins don’t stop to perch. They never come to shore. Dolphins are always swimming, even when they "sleep." They are always aware, and always moving. Understanding this, it is difficult to imagine the tragedy of life in captivity for these ocean creatures.” - HSUS.
I hope one day tanks will be free of black fish and the white whales will follow. And we will live in a world where we admire these beautiful ocean creatures in their natural habitats; that I will have played a part in it even if it is smaller than I would like and last, but not least, find a way to pay back to those dolphins who I hope will find their happiness in the waves of open waters. Wish me luck.
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