The 'Every photo from around here should be burnt' era...

Lets begin part two of this hair journey that can only be described as a disaster. I feel like saying I was ginger is wrong, it was orange. God, it was awful. I wanted a really nice caramel colour and ended up with that mess. I then decided to get another perm that failed miserably and left me with the worst frizz imaginable. Then began a thing I had never experienced before, roots. I'm so lazy when it comes to my hair I just cannot be bothered to keep up with dying it. I try to fool myself into believing it wasn't as bad in real life but then I remember it probably looked worse. I don't really know what else to say about the hair that makes me want to burn every photo apart from the fact I live in fear of ever leaving the hairdressers looking like that again.
The 'I never wanted light hair but kind of love it' era...

These were the good days. I cut my hair a bit shorter and managed to calm down the frizz, life was good but the colour needed to go. The ginger was finally gone and we begin the journey of me becoming blonde where all I cared about was purple shampoo. For a while I was kind of caught in between being ginger and blonde and decided I was going to go for it, I was going to become blonde. When I was younger I never ever thought I would have light hair so going to this shade was very strange to me but I loved it. After overdosing on brightening shampoo and two weeks under the Greek sun parts of my hair were becoming white and surprisingly it looked nice. Around this time I fell in love with curling my hair although roots were constantly a problem. After a week my dark roots would appear and they would look 100 times worse because of how light the rest of it was now. I do miss having blonde hair it seems to be more interesting although obviously I didn't feel this way at the time because my next and final hair journey post will show how 18 year old me thought it was a good idea to dye my hair purple that resulted in me looking like I had just risen from the dead.
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