I'm becoming that annoying person that at the start of each blogpost I'm like 'oh hello I haven't wrote a blogpost in a while because *insert excuse here*'. And when I am gone I'm not away long enough to be like let me list my exciting life experiences to you all. So here it goes, im not motivated when it comes to blogging at the moment. I am in a part of my life where I'm having to plan my future and focus on getting good grades but all I want to do is go traveling for 20 years and come back with an extremely good looking Greek husband and a life that is sorted. This is going to be a kind of catching up post, rolling about five potential posts into one. My brain has gone mad, wish me luck.

1. I really want to travel to Brazil. I know it's not the safest place in the world but right now I don't care. Many I'll have to go when I'm older as I'll be able to stay in a place where I will have less chance of being robbed; I think this obsession has a large part to do with me falling in love with Neymar Jr at the world cup last year so I dread to know what I'll be like when the Olympics is there.
2. Community is one of the best shows ever in my opinion. It's hilarious and the fact all seasons have been put onto Netlfix is perfect.If you haven't watched it before please do, you honestly won't regret it, the episodes are only 20 minutes long so you don't feel bad when you watch five in a row. I love so many of these characters it's ridiculous. Everyone needs to watch just to experience Troy and Abed.

3. I recently finished We Were Liars and the end made up for the beginning and middle not being as exciting as I was expecting it to be. I feel like I have never read a book with a bigger plot twist than this; I feel like I need to read it again now I know all the details they were hiding. I'm really trying to finish all the books I have before I go and buy anymore. Life of Pi is my love. It's one of the most quotable books I've ever read and it sounds weird but it just makes you think about life in a completely different way. Anyway, it needs to be finished, I had to stop when I kept having dreams I was being eaten by animals but luckily that doesn't seem to be happening at the moment.

4. I'm now into the last stage of my art foundation; the piece above was the final design for my previous project. It has this great in depth meaning behind it but I don't think this post is the best thing to explain it in. I've really been enjoying art again lately; when I was getting ready to go to University interviews I felt like I had this great pressure to create amazing pieces but now I just enjoy creating the work I want to and see how it ends up.
5. I'm going to keep this last one short, I don't have Instagram and I need to make one. I think I worry too much that I'll be judged on social media but I need to keep in contact with my friends when they go to uni and think Instagram is the platform for me.